Wednesday, May 21, 2014


"The hysteria about gluten sensitivity is just like the mass hysteria about global warming," Dr. Savage said to his listeners, adding:

    Why is the political establishment on the left so wedded to this idea that man is destroying the environment? 

    Because it's a way of raising taxes and controlling industry. 

    In other words, it's a way to hobble everybody and turn them into victims, even more so than they already are. 

    A new study has come out saying there's been no global warming for 17 years and nine months. 

    In California, we had wildfires in San Diego, and everyone knows it was started by an illegal alien, on purpose. 

    Yet Governor Jerry Brown says it's caused by man.

    Of course it was caused by man: a man from another nation, not man-made global warming.
Visit the Michael Savage website here. 

Sent from my iPad

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