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From: Mitch McConnell <>
Date: August 27, 2014 7:39:19 PM CDT
To: Bobby Martin <>
Subject: Barack Obama's U.N. Agenda
Bobby --
There is no other way to say it - Barack Obama's administration has been disastrous for Kentucky. Because of his War on Coal, many hardworking Kentuckians have been put out of work and are struggling to find employment and put food on the table. These folks didn't ask for this – and they sure don't deserve it.
It is not only coal families that are hurting under Obama's liberal agenda. Kentuckians from across the Commonwealth are seeing their utility rates skyrocket, which is substantially increasing the cost burden on small businesses and taking away Kentucky's natural competitive advantage.
As your Senator and Senate Republican Leader, I have been fighting every day to stop the EPA and Obama's War on Coal. Now, it is reported that Barack Obama is prepared to bypass the Senate entirely and go directly to the United Nations in his pursuit of radical climate change regulations. Instead of attempting to ratify a treaty with two-thirds of the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution, Obama's negotiators are now actively seeking a U.N. vote on an international agreement made without authorization and consent of the people of the United States. There can be no doubt that such an agreement would set its sights directly on the coal industry and the people of Kentucky.
This is just another example of the Obama administration choosing to abide by laws it likes and to disregard laws it doesn't — and to ignore the elected representatives of the people when they don't agree.
President Obama knows that a Senate where I am the Majority Leader would never authorize such a disastrous treaty, so now he is seeking to do it on his own. That is why this election in November is so critical. While I would lead a Republican Senate in stopping Obama's War on Coal, my opponent would cast her first vote for Harry Reid and effectively rubber stamp the entire Obama agenda.
I have been called Barack Obama's biggest obstacle in Washington, D.C., and I am quite proud of that fact because I have seen firsthand the effects the policies of this administration have had on the people of Kentucky. As for my opponent, while I was standing up to Obama, she was standing up for him as a delegate to the Democratic National Convention in 2008 and 2012.
I would be honored if you would join me in my fight for Kentucky against Barack Obama's War on Coal. Please pledge your vote here and consider a generous contribution of whatever you can afford to ensure that my campaign has the resources necessary to defeat Obama's Kentucky Candidate in November.
Paid For By McConnell Senate Committee '14
-=-=- Team Mitch · PO Box 1496, Louisville, KY 40201, United States
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