Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Letters: 'The global warming hoax' - GreenwichTime
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Fwd: Bobby, stand with us today:
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Date: July 31, 2013 5:20:06 PM GMT-06:00
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Subject: Bobby, stand with us today:
Bobby --
You're probably sick of hearing about how "biofuels are better for the environment."
We know we are -- so we want to make sure everyone knows the facts and takes action.
Here are the top 5 reasons biofuel mandates in the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) are actually bad for the environment:
- Producing and consuming corn ethanol could double greenhouse gas emissions over the next 30 years.
- 19,000,000 more acres of corn have been planted this year than were planted 7 years ago. Using more land for corn takes a major toll on America's grassland and wetlands.
- We'll need to convert another 30 to 60 million acres of land into farmland by 2022 to meet the rising biofuel requirements that the RFS demands.
- Ethanol contains 33% less energy per gallon than gasoline, lowering your car's fuel economy.
- It takes 3 to 6 times the water to produce ethanol than to produce gasoline.
It's clear this mandate isn't working. Help us repeal it today.
Thank you for your support,
The Energy Nation Team
Energy Nation brings together the hard-working people of America's oil and natural gas industry to ensure our voices are heard by our nation's policy makers. We are the employees, retirees, vendors, and suppliers who develop and deliver the energy that fuels the American economy and way of life.
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tradeoff is that to give up the Keystone Pipeline and replace that power with solar thermal power would require over 100 of these 3,500 acre plants. Or, to think of it another way, 3.5 days of flow through Keystone XL would provide the annual energy equivalent of the BrightSource project. |
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Fwd: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
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Date: July 24, 2013 1:02:03 AM GMT-06:00
Subject: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
News 1 new result for Climate warming hoax Climate activists to march on Google's campus in protest of Inhofe fundraiser
San Francisco Chronicle (blog)
... View headquarters Wednesday morning to protest the search giant's decision to host a fundraiser earlier this month for climate change denier Sen. James Inhofe. The Oklahoma Republican famously declared that "global warming is the greatest hoax ever ...
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Web 1 new result for Climate warming hoax
Global Warming Climate Change Scam Hoax in a Nutshell - YouTube
Lord Christopher Monckton to discusses the Global Warming Climate Change Scam Hoax in ...
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Monday, July 22, 2013
Solution to America 's problems
The solution to America's problems is to get the liberals out of government. Until that occurs, we will continue down the present path. We all know where that will take us!
Sent from my iPadSunday, July 21, 2013
Friday, July 19, 2013
Too Young for Retirement
Very dumb move now complete. Read to see extent of damage to USA space program!
On the Early Retirement of the Space Shuttle
File image.
by George W. Jeffs
for Launchspace
Bethesda MD (SPX) May 17, 2011
A Symbol: An in-space ballerina and hypersonic flying marvel, the Space Shuttle Orbiter is almost impossible for others to duplicate and continues to generate international admiration and respect for U.S. technical capabilities.
Full Potential Not Yet Realized: The multi-functional Orbiter has performed "as designed" on all assignments including reentry and a key role in the International Space Station (ISS) assembly. Like any new manned system, as crews and engineers become more familiar (like a helicopter) performance "in the box" improves and extending-the-box opportunities are identified. So far the Orbiter has operated generally within the box.
Too Young For Retirement: Each remaining Orbiter has many missions and years of life remaining. The Orbiter was designed for a one hundred mission life with a factor of four (i.e. 400 flight potential). It has experienced low flight rates and has not been structurally overloaded (maximum loads occur during the boost phase and high wind shear situations have been avoided through pre-flight meteorological observations) and receives a complete examination and any necessary refurbishment between each flight.
The System is Safe for Continued Man Flights: No critical failures have originated from within the triply redundant Orbiter itself but like any spacecraft designed for light-weight, it is vulnerable to abuse (e.g. SRB O rings, ET insulation debris); these are now known and addressable problems. The Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME)s were my principal safety concern through the development years but their flight record has been excellent and it may be that the integrity of recovered, refurbished rocket engines is as good as or even better than new ones. Some rocket engine incipient failures may lie undetected in ocean graves.
Real Usability Through "Landing With Dignity": Turnaround man hours are costly for the Orbiter, not the least demanding being the heat shield preparation and changes are continually being made to improve the situation. Even so, this relatively light-weight, first generation radiant heat shield is itself reusable and obviates having to pay for a new vehicle and other ancillary costs such as ocean recovery for every flight. Note: In depth reviews of "flown" Apollo command modules concluded that second flights of the hardware would be too costly at that time.
New Space Initiatives Depend On The Orbiter For Identification and Pursuit: The on-orbit assembly option for a deep space manned system became more viable upon completion of the International Space Station (ISS) using the Orbiter. An "Orbiter" segment of a deep space system would be used in assembly activities, on-orbit transfers, tug functions and most importantly for the crew Earth-to-orbit and orbit-to-Earth transfer. Reliance on an Orbiter for re-entry would eliminate configuration constraints on size and shape and the weight of items such as parachutes, heat shields and landing impact structure and the energy needed to transport this otherwise useless added weight throughout the entire deep space mission. This approach essentially would trade-off these advantages against the development of an additional propulsion module for return from deep space to high/low Earth orbit. The present Orbiter would be a key mechanism in the early development of such an on-orbit assembled system.
The Shuttle Continues to Be An Intriguing Candidate For "Commercialization": The system is presently operational. Its payload-to-orbit delivery and other capabilities are well documented. Its risks are known and assessable for payload insurance and crew-safety considerations and industrial elements are already doing much of the work in many areas. Bailing, leasing and/or other type of agreement for use of government equipment (Orbiters, pads, control centers, etc.) is probably feasible in some arrangement. Needed is an industry, NASA-government, Congressional meeting of the minds on all related elements including government flight requirements, (e.g. ISS servicing) and commercial pricing policies. If such a government hand-off to industry could be affected it would, of course, keep the Shuttle Program available for another decade or two should presently unforeseen government needs arise (even today it would be most helpful to have Apollo supply and rescue vehicles that serviced Skylab available for use on the ISS).
U. S. Taxpayers Have Not Yet Realized Their Full Return-on-Investment (ROI) From the Shuttle System:
+ It really works; it is not just a briefing chart promise.
+ It has much life remaining and could be the key to the identification and development of new systems.
+ It is man-rated and safe–probably as safe as any manned system will be-no others will get over one hundred flights down the learning curve.
+ The infrastructure is in place and operational and has provided industry through extensive, hands-on participation with the depth of training necessary to assume total system accountability.
+ To replace the Orbiter capabilities will take decades and billions.
Decommissioning the Space Shuttle should be postponed indefinitely.
George W. Jeffs is the former President of Space and Energy Operations [including Shuttle Orbiter, Integration and Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs)] at Rockwell International. He is also the former President of the Space Division, North American Aviation-Rockwell International [including Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Space Shuttle Orbiter]. He is also a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot with multiengine and instrument ratings.
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Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Fwd: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
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Date: July 10, 2013 11:27:02 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
News 1 new result for Climate warming hoax Google hosts fundraiser for climate-denying Sen. Jim Inhofe
Inhofe speaking at CPAC 2012. The senator has repeatedly dismissed climate change as a "hoax," and cited the benefits of global warming for the economy and the environment. Google, which prides itself on building a "better web that is better for the ...
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Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Fwd: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
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Date: July 10, 2013 12:40:44 AM GMT-06:00
Subject: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
News 1 new result for Climate warming hoax Google hosts fundraiser for climate change denying US senator
The Guardian
Inhofe has spent more than a decade challenging the science behind climate change, and trying to stop Congress from acting on climate change. He has repeatedly dismissed climate change as a "hoax" or "hysteria", and cited the benefits of global warming ...
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