Thursday, June 27, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Monday, June 17, 2013
Fwd: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
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Date: June 16, 2013 11:45:52 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: Google Alert - Climate warming hoax
News 1 new result for Climate warming hoax The Continuing Collapse of the Global Warming Hoax
Canada Free Press
It is the demise of the global warming/climate change hoax that has driven national and international policies since the 1980s. Directed from within the bowels of the most corrupt international organization on planet Earth, the United Nations, the hoax ...
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Sunday, June 16, 2013
Fwd: Very dumb move by bolden/garver/bho ----such low intellect ----unbelievable !!
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Date: June 16, 2013 12:46:06 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: Very dumb move by bolden/garver/bho ----such low intellect ----unbelievable !!
Very dumb move now complete. Read to see extent of damage to USA space program!
On the Early Retirement of the Space Shuttle
File image.
by George W. Jeffs
for Launchspace
Bethesda MD (SPX) May 17, 2011
A Symbol: An in-space ballerina and hypersonic flying marvel, the Space Shuttle Orbiter is almost impossible for others to duplicate and continues to generate international admiration and respect for U.S. technical capabilities.
Full Potential Not Yet Realized: The multi-functional Orbiter has performed "as designed" on all assignments including reentry and a key role in the International Space Station (ISS) assembly. Like any new manned system, as crews and engineers become more familiar (like a helicopter) performance "in the box" improves and extending-the-box opportunities are identified. So far the Orbiter has operated generally within the box.
Too Young For Retirement: Each remaining Orbiter has many missions and years of life remaining. The Orbiter was designed for a one hundred mission life with a factor of four (i.e. 400 flight potential). It has experienced low flight rates and has not been structurally overloaded (maximum loads occur during the boost phase and high wind shear situations have been avoided through pre-flight meteorological observations) and receives a complete examination and any necessary refurbishment between each flight.
The System is Safe for Continued Man Flights: No critical failures have originated from within the triply redundant Orbiter itself but like any spacecraft designed for light-weight, it is vulnerable to abuse (e.g. SRB O rings, ET insulation debris); these are now known and addressable problems. The Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSME)s were my principal safety concern through the development years but their flight record has been excellent and it may be that the integrity of recovered, refurbished rocket engines is as good as or even better than new ones. Some rocket engine incipient failures may lie undetected in ocean graves.
Real Usability Through "Landing With Dignity": Turnaround man hours are costly for the Orbiter, not the least demanding being the heat shield preparation and changes are continually being made to improve the situation. Even so, this relatively light-weight, first generation radiant heat shield is itself reusable and obviates having to pay for a new vehicle and other ancillary costs such as ocean recovery for every flight. Note: In depth reviews of "flown" Apollo command modules concluded that second flights of the hardware would be too costly at that time.
New Space Initiatives Depend On The Orbiter For Identification and Pursuit: The on-orbit assembly option for a deep space manned system became more viable upon completion of the International Space Station (ISS) using the Orbiter. An "Orbiter" segment of a deep space system would be used in assembly activities, on-orbit transfers, tug functions and most importantly for the crew Earth-to-orbit and orbit-to-Earth transfer. Reliance on an Orbiter for re-entry would eliminate configuration constraints on size and shape and the weight of items such as parachutes, heat shields and landing impact structure and the energy needed to transport this otherwise useless added weight throughout the entire deep space mission. This approach essentially would trade-off these advantages against the development of an additional propulsion module for return from deep space to high/low Earth orbit. The present Orbiter would be a key mechanism in the early development of such an on-orbit assembled system.
The Shuttle Continues to Be An Intriguing Candidate For "Commercialization": The system is presently operational. Its payload-to-orbit delivery and other capabilities are well documented. Its risks are known and assessable for payload insurance and crew-safety considerations and industrial elements are already doing much of the work in many areas. Bailing, leasing and/or other type of agreement for use of government equipment (Orbiters, pads, control centers, etc.) is probably feasible in some arrangement. Needed is an industry, NASA-government, Congressional meeting of the minds on all related elements including government flight requirements, (e.g. ISS servicing) and commercial pricing policies. If such a government hand-off to industry could be affected it would, of course, keep the Shuttle Program available for another decade or two should presently unforeseen government needs arise (even today it would be most helpful to have Apollo supply and rescue vehicles that serviced Skylab available for use on the ISS).
U. S. Taxpayers Have Not Yet Realized Their Full Return-on-Investment (ROI) From the Shuttle System:
+ It really works; it is not just a briefing chart promise.
+ It has much life remaining and could be the key to the identification and development of new systems.
+ It is man-rated and safe–probably as safe as any manned system will be-no others will get over one hundred flights down the learning curve.
+ The infrastructure is in place and operational and has provided industry through extensive, hands-on participation with the depth of training necessary to assume total system accountability.
+ To replace the Orbiter capabilities will take decades and billions.
Decommissioning the Space Shuttle should be postponed indefinitely.
George W. Jeffs is the former President of Space and Energy Operations [including Shuttle Orbiter, Integration and Space Shuttle Main Engines (SSMEs)] at Rockwell International. He is also the former President of the Space Division, North American Aviation-Rockwell International [including Apollo Command and Service Modules and the Space Shuttle Orbiter]. He is also a helicopter and fixed-wing pilot with multiengine and instrument ratings.
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Building a Heavenly Palace in outer space
Moscow, Russia (RIA Novosti) Apr 29, 2011
China's permanent space station, the Heavenly Palace, is to be launched into orbit within a decade. According to Chinese media reports, the 60-ton craft will include a central module and two laboratories, for a crew of three. So, it's really more like a country cottage than a palace. This all-Chinese project was unveiled earlier this week in the capital, Beijing. To the public at home, the … read more
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Saturday, June 8, 2013
Monday, June 3, 2013
Fwd: Is Al Gore Out Of His Mind?
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Is Al Gore Out Of His Mind?
The answer to that question is more important than most of us realize. We have been hearing the music for quite some time, the global warming song that is designed to shake enough fear into us to let the con masters of the planet pull another one over on us.
NASA herself is now telling us that CO2 is a coolant not a warming gas so global warming is a deliberate hallucination of a select few scientists and politicians that have nothing better to do than feed on humanity's ignorance.
One part of NASA is now in conflict with its climatologists after new NASA measurements prove that carbon dioxide acts as a coolant in Earth's atmosphere. NASA's Langley Research Center has collated data proving that "greenhouse gases" actually block up to 95 percent of harmful solar rays from reaching our planet, thus reducing the heating impact of the sun. Carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO) are two substances playing a key role in the energy balance of air above our planet's surface tending to cool not heat.
The new information starkly contradicts the core proposition of the so-called greenhouse gas theory which claims that more CO2 means more warming for our planet. However, this compelling new NASA data disproves that notion and is a huge embarrassment for NASA's chief climatologist, Dr James Hansen and his team over at NASA's GISS and Al Gore should not be allowed to show his face in public again!
Already, the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has been in full retreat after having to concede a 17-year stall in global warming despite levels of atmospheric CO2 rising almost 40 percent in recent decades. Computer models that have always been programmed to show CO2 as a warming gas when it's not only a cooling gas but a healthy one at that. Plants love CO2 and so do we when we have high enough levels in our blood to keep Oxygen transport humming along.
I have been alive for sixty years and am from New York and this past Memorial Day saw 3 feet of snow falling in upstate New York. As the planet warms it gets colder! People in Siberia are getting the same treatment from Mother Nature and the excuses and cover up go on.
We go to war expecting security and peace. We let the bankers and governments get away with crimes but continue to believe in the criminal justice system and the rule of law. We want our children to be healthy and strong but choose to vaccinate them. Meanwhile the line is being drawn in the sand in the Middle East where everything is already set to boil.
Al Gore will continue to convince people it is warming and we should be afraid. The area saw near-record low temperatures and according to some people this is evidence of global warming. Scientists confirm the earth has not warmed at all in the past decade but still we are asked to believe in global warming.
I started writing and publishing about global cooling in 2009 and despite the evidence we still hear in the news about global warming from nuthouses. Obama and former Vice President Al Gore, who won a Nobel Prize for his climate change efforts, seem to work for others with an agenda to fool the public about climate issues and about the value of Nobel Peace prizes.
According to these gentlemen and the EPA carbon dioxide is a threat to human life. With this belief information the EPA can begin to regulate CO2 as a toxic substance even if it is one of the most necessary and healthy molecules on the planet. Without it we would all be dead and plants would not grow. Leave it to the Federal Government to name the dangerous substances like mercury and thimerosal safe for medical and dental use and come down hard on safe substances like marijuana and CO2.
Global surface temperatures have not increased since 1998 contrary to what climate models and U.S. policymakers who cite "consensus" on man-made global warming as justification for anti-emission regulations have predicted. What they are doing is relying upon outdated and misleading material from the United Nations that deliberately omits the influence of natural forces. The sun has a mind of its own and does not give a wit for Al Gore and his friends.
Victor Manuel Velasco Herrera, a researcher at the Institute of Geophysics with the National Autonomous University of Mexico sees evidence that points to the onset of a "little ice age" in about 10 years that could last for much of the 21st Century. The IPPC models are not correct because they do not take into account natural factors like solar activity, he said in a lecture.
Most of Europe will be under ice, including Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Slovakia, and a part of Slovenia," said professor Paar from Croatia's Zagreb University a few years ago, who has spent decades analyzing previous ice ages in Europe and what caused them. The freeze will be so complete that people will be able to walk from England to Ireland or across the North Sea from Scotland to northern Europe.
No one though could foresee the rising volcanic activity and how all the ash being put into the atmosphere these past few years is having a dimming effect. So does all the air traffic have a cooling dimming effect, which we found out after 9/11 when all planes were grounded. This past year has seen rising activity in many of the world's major volcanoes and that will have a cooling effect. Now NASA says the increased CO2 will have a cooling affect. Sorry Al Gore there seems to be no room for your warming effect except in your imagination and dreams.
It's going to be a fight for our own and our children's lives during these next few years and even the most prepared are going to face tough times trying to make it and protect those we love. Events are going to take most all of us by surprise no matter how much we have prepared. One terrifying factor is that most people are not prepared at all.
Just take a look at the world news through the eyes of this site and see what I am talking about. Tornadoes, record cold and snow, earthquakes striking all over the place, increasing volcanic activity, massive flooding are just some of the things people all over the world are facing. Those of us who live in peaceful areas where everything just seems fine and dandy should seriously count their blessings and say a few words of prayer for those less fortunate.
One solution, especially for those who live in the colder climates, to save money in heating and medical bills is buying BioMats to keep you and your family warm. You can sleep on a BioMat and shut the heat off in the house and for only pennies heat yourself from the inside out with Far Infrared heating. A person can sleep and radiate FIR all night long and it will not matter how cold it is in the house and when one wakes up in the morning. One will have the strength to withstand the cold in the morning with ease.
I wrote Survival Medicine for the 21st Century compendium six years ago and that will be republished soon as a cancer compendium. I had to discontinue publishing this work because it did not keep up with my advances and discoveries since.
My approach matured into Natural Allopathic Medicine. Looking at what is happening in Greece to their medical system should give everyone a shout about preparing, not only with BioMats, the newest part of my protocol, but with having many pounds of sodium bicarbonate on hand as well as sufficient supplies of iodine, magnesium, selenium, a simple breathing device and some other choice things including provisions for magnesium bicarbonate in our drinking water.
We are living in an upside down world where truth is lost and lies dominate. Lies become truth and individuals, families and banks on the top of the human pyramid can forcibly feed on everyone down line. Life was never meant to be the way it is. We have lost more than can be regained and civilization will pay a great price for we have never allowed love to dominate human affairs. Love and truth come together like twins so if we and our governments reject one then we lose the other.
Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine The Knowledge:
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