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Saturday, February 23, 2013
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Fwd: Stop Talking And Start Impeaching
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Date: February 21, 2013 10:01:14 AM GMT-06:00
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Subject: Stop Talking And Start Impeaching
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It's been a month since the headline above first appeared on The Drudge Report, and since that time, we've heard a lot of talk about impeachment.
And that's not a bad thing...
But now it's time for words to give way to action. It's time for Congress to get the message... we want Barack Obama impeached and we want him impeached now.
For the longest time, no one in Congress dared to mention the word impeachment, even when pressed, but recently, the word has come into vogue.
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Impeachment Is No Longer A Dirty Word.
Congressmen Trent Franks, Walter Jones, Trey Radel, Steve Stockman and former-Congressman Ron Paul have all dared to broach the subject.
Add Fox News' Michelle Malkin and Mike Huckabee, former assistant U.S. attorney Andrew McCarthy, radio talk-show host Mark Levin; former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and columnist Pat Buchanan to the list.
Michelle Malkin talked about impeaching Barack Obama to Fox News' Sean Hannity: "Well, there are many constitutional provisions for recourse... and I think that they have to be contemplated."
Congressman Steve Stockman warned us that Obama's "actions are an existential threat to this nation," and if he "is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist."
Newt Gingrich said Obama's refusal to enforce our nation's laws "eventually could lead to a constitutional crisis" and added, if a 'President Sarah Palin' followed a similar course, there would have been immediate calls for her impeachment.
Mike Huckabee on Obama's Benghazi-Gate lies: "Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied. And because he covered some stuff up. I will be blunt and tell you this: nobody died in Watergate. We have people who are dead because of this. There are questions to be answered and Americans ought to demand to get answers."
No... impeachment is no longer a dirty word and it's time for our Republican-Leaders-In-Name-Only in Congress to get that message loud and clear... we want Barack Hussein Obama impeached.
You didn't hear about it on the nightly news but the left-leaning Public Policy Polling (PPP) company conducted a series of state polls and found that 67 percent of Texas Republicans and even 12 percent of Democrats, 15 percent of Blacks and 30 percent of Hispanics in Texas want Barack Obama impeached.
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And The American People Are Calling For Impeachment Too.
Another PPP poll in the liberal state of Rhode Island found that 44 percent of Republicans in the 'Hope State' want Barack Obama impeached.
And the powers that be at PPP were flabbergasted over the results. According to Tom Jensen with PPP: "We've polled this [Impeachment] in several states over the last few weeks and found that Republicans everywhere want to impeach Obama... for what I'm not sure."
Left-wing journalism Michael Tomasky with Newsweek and the Daily Beast tried to dismiss the poll results as "creepy" and attempted to explain them away, saying: "Everybody lives in a land of make believe where Benghazi and Fast and Furious are somehow impeachable offenses."
Here's a newsflash Mr. Tomasky. It's time to leave the "land of make believe" - otherwise known as the newsroom of Newsweek - and take a truly unbiased look at what's happening in the real world. Benghazi-Gate and Fast and Furious are just two of the many emerging scandals coming out of the imperial Obama Regime that warrant impeachment.
But that's not all. A petition posted on the White House website calling for the impeachment of Barack Obama already has close to 50,000 signatures.
The people have spoken. It's time for Barack Hussein Obama to go and it's time for Congress to enforce the will of the people.
The hard-left already knows that Obama's days may be numbered and they're fighting back in an attempt to change the narrative and demonize patriotic Americans, like you, who understand that Barack Obama is cancer that must be purged from the body of our great Republic.
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Did You Know That People Who Want To Impeach Obama Simply Hate America?
Not-so-mysteriously, a series of articles started appearing on the blogosphere several days ago contending: "Republicans want to impeach Obama because they hate America," and that thematic catch-phrase has already been quoted over 11,500 times (don't take our word for it... do a Google Search yourself) on the Internet.
And there's nothing spontaneous or "organic" about the appearance of these articles. There's a huge network of left-wing bloggers on the Internet who take cues from George-Soros-funded organizations.
Their mission is to artificially start "buzz" on topics or catch-phrases, which are then picked up by MSNBC, CNN and even FOX News, and even though most people have no idea what is going on, much of what you hear in the news these days is intentionally "planted" by left-wing organizations.
These propaganda pieces explain that you don't want to impeach Obama simply because you "hate Obama." You want to impeach Obama because you "hate America," and because you "don't believe in an independent judiciary."
You want to impeach Obama because you "hate facts, and... loathe reality. Reality, you see, has a liberal bias." You want to impeach Obama because you "must destroy any institution that guarantees, any result that comes from, an objective assessment of the facts," and yes, you're a "racist" and your "victim isn't just Democrats, it's democracy itself."
Make our words, you'll see those idiotic contentions make their way into the news cycle in short order. The left knows that the movement of impeach Barack Obama is gaining traction. The left is out to demonize patriotic Americans like you and there's only one response when someone strikes out at you. You strike back before you're beaten into submission.
He lied about Benghazi-Gate. He even lied about his lies. And with each passing day it becomes even more clear that he simply didn't push his lies to bolster his re-election chances but to cover-up something potentially sinister... something potentially impeachable.
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Obama's Greatest Hits...
And prior to the Benghazi-Gate scandal, he violated the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution and waged an undeclared war in Libya without Congressional authority.
The Obama 'Justice' Department ran thousands of weapons to criminal cartels in Mexico. His minions dutifully told us that it was "botched sting operation," but when people started to speculate that the actual aim of Operation Fast and Furious was to increase gun-violence on our southern border so the Obama Regime could advance an agenda of gun-confiscation, Obama illegally invoked "executive privilege" to squelch any attempt to get at the truth behind Fast and Furious.
In violation of the Constitution, he refuses to support laws he personally doesn't like. He's refuses to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act and he refuses to enforce our nation's immigration laws even though hordes of illegal aliens cross our border each and every day.
When it wasn't enough for him to simply refuse to enforce our immigration laws, he sued the State of Arizona for trying to enforce our nation's immigration laws and he issued an illegal "executive order" preventing our federal law enforcement officers from enforcing the law.
In violation of the Constitution, he declared the Senate to be in "recess" and made appointments to the National Labor Relations Board; and now that the court has ruled these appointments to be clearly unconstitutional, Obama has chosen to simply ignore the court's ruling.
And he issued a sweeping executive decree that violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution and clearly infringes of the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Congressman Stockman was 100 percent correct when he said: "The President's actions are an existential threat to this nation. ... The President's actions are not just an attack on the Constitution and a violation of his sworn oath of office – they are a direct attack on Americans that place all of us in danger. If the President is allowed to suspend constitutional rights on his own personal whims, our free republic has effectively ceased to exist."
The Obama Regime is a disease afflicting this great nation. Impeachment is the cure.
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Floyd Brown
The Western Center for Journalism is a 501©3 educational organization. Contributions are tax-deductible as allowed by IRS regulations. Personal and corporate contributions are allowed.
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Wednesday, February 20, 2013
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Saturday, February 2, 2013
Fwd: China Burns Coal Faster Than Obama Can Close American Coal Plants
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Date: February 2, 2013 9:59:59 PM GMT-06:00
Subject: China Burns Coal Faster Than Obama Can Close American Coal Plants
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